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About Us

Morph Education Group is the place for anyone interested in all things to do with education. You do not have to be an education student to join, just interested in education.


We meet once a week and share our thoughts, experiences and ideas around education. We discuss topics such as inclusion, educational theorists and new ideas and approaches to education. We also share videos, newspaper articles or podcasts that interest us. The aim of the group is to develop our understanding of educational practices in order to better understand why we are taught in particular ways, way some of these approaches may have created challenges for us in the past and to look for new inclusive ways of teaching and learning.


If you would like to join us or if you have any questions, please, or

Opportunity details

Members of MEG will have the opportunity to discuss university initiatives, with the possibility of feeding back our thoughts, so the group is a great way to make a difference at Winchester.


Morph Education Group (MEG)


Stall hosted by, Hannah, Caitlyn & Beth from MEG.


(This link is for fayre attendees to speak to the stall holder for a live Q&A at Freshers Fayre. Drop in anytime between 11am and 2pm, Saturday 19th September).

Contact Us

To contact us, please use any of the links below: