The elections:

It is really important that you exercise your right to vote and have your say. Without registering to vote, Councillors and MPs will not realise how many students live in their area (due to the fact they work off of the electoral register), meaning that student needs may go unnoticed – they won’t see you if you don’t register!

The law requires you to register to vote at least one address in the United Kingdom, you may be fined £80 by not registering.


General Election:

The next General Election must be held by 28 January 2025, although Prime Minister Rishi Sunak expects it to be held 'in the second half' of 2024. Students make up 10% of the voting population, so it's vital that you vote in these elections.

To prepare for the next General Election you can:

  1. Register to vote (details below)
  2. Get your Voter ID (details below)
  3. Educate yourself on your local candidates, what your MPs have been saying, and more by using the tools at the bottom of this page.


How do I register to vote?

Registering to vote is quick and can be done online at:

        Student registration - Winchester City Council

You will need your National Insurance Number and your address to complete the application. If you do not have your NI number, then there is an option to complete the registration form without.

If you are a student living and studying away from home, you can register at both your term-time and home address and then choose which constituency you wish to vote in on election day!

Remember – your voter registration doesn’t move to a new house with you – if you move you will need to register again.


Voter ID:

Voter ID -  anyone wishing to vote will need to show photo ID to vote at polling stations and in some elections.

If you don’t have accepted photo ID, you can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate.



NUS have teamed up with Citizen Card to offer students a free voter ID card with the code 'NUS'Anyone can get a voter ID from Citizen Card (usually £15) for free using the code 'NUS' or by clicking this link.


Can I vote in Winchester and at home?

Being registered at both your home address and your term-time addresses doesn't necessarily mean you get two votes.

You will need to choose one address and vote in only that area when you're voting in:

  • UK Parliament elections
  • UK referendums
  • London Assembly and London Mayoral elections

You can't vote at both your term-time address and your home address at these elections. Voting in more than one location is a criminal offence.

For other elections you can vote at both your term-time and your home address.

You can choose to vote in either or both areas (as long as the addresses are in different council areas) when you're voting in:

  • Local council elections in England
  • Police and Crime commissioner elections and mayoral elections


Useful voting tools:

The Guardian have published a helpful tool for students which may help you to choose whether you wish to vote in your home or term-time constituency.

Students: will your vote be more effective at home or university?

Find out about candidates in your area:

Find your closest polling station:

Does your MP represent you? Find out what they have been saying in Parliament:



For more information about the election, to register to vote or to apply for a postal or proxy vote, please visit: