Navigate to our quick election links below


The Students' Union elections are a legal requirement that ensures our organisation is member led by you, the students. They are hosted annually in Semester 2, to elect student representatives for the following academic year (e.g. July 1st 2025 - June 30th 2026). If necessary, a By-Election is held to fill any remaining vacant positions. 


Elections are a key part of our democratic process that elects the officers that will lead the Union in working for, and representing, student interests on campus and beyond.


If you have any questions about elections, please email



Nominations for Winchester Students' Union Officer Elections open on 27th January 2025 - could you lead the Students' Union next year and represent students' views to the University and beyond? Roles available include fill-time paid Sabbatical Officer jobs (circa £26,119 salary) and part-time Student Officers (voluntary leadership roles undertaken alongside your studies).

Please find below the timetable for Winchester Students' Union Officer Elections 2025.

- Nominations open:  Monday 27th January 2025, 9am

- Nominations close:  Wednesday 19th February 2025, 12pm

- Candidate Briefing: Monday 24th February 2025, 5pm-7.30pm

- Candidate Development Sessions:  26th February 2025, 12.30-4.30pm

- Campaigning begins:  Monday 3rd March 2025, 9am

- Candidate Q&A:  Monday 3rd March 2025, 6pm 

- Voting opens:  Monday 3rd March 2025, 9pm

- Voting closes:  Friday 7th March 2025, 3pm

- Results:  Friday 7th March 2025, 9pm 


Why not come to one of our 'Thinking of Nominating Yourself ' Elections Information Drop-In Sessions, where we can give you an overview of the elections process and answer any questions you may have. During these drop-in sessions, you can also speak to one of our friendly outgoing Officers about what it's like to run for election, andhear their own experiences and top tips from their time as an elected part-time Student Officer and/or full-time Sabbatical Officer!

Drop by any time during the below sessions to chat to us and find out more:

  • Tuesday 28th January 2025: 11am-3pm in the Vault (Level 1 of the King Alfred Centre, bottom of the stairs) (Refreshers Fayre stand)
  • Tuesday 4th February 2025: 12.30pm-2pm in Stripe Studio 1.
  • Wednesday 12th February 2025: 11.30am-1pm in West Downs Centre 303.
  • Thursday 13th February 2025 - 4.30pm-5.30pm ONLINE via Teams (Click here to join the meeting).
  • Tuesday 18th February 2025, 11.30am-12.30pm ONLINE via Teams - (Click here to join the meeting)