Allotment Society

  • Allotment society logo


Welcome to the Allotment Society!

Based at the Holm Lodge Allotment on campus, we aim to cultivate a space for students to reimagine and delve deeper into their relationship with nature. Through growing plants, observing nature, and providing opportunities for personal projects, participants are encouraged to learn about and put into action regenerative sustainability and learn to farm their own food and fauna.

Through shared experiences, we hope that members will be empowered to tread more lightly on our planet, in harmony with nature and with themselves.

At its heart, the Allotment Society follows a permaculture practice. This includes a few core ethics. Permaculture works with natural systems, rather than in competition with them. We therefore use methods that have minimal negative impact on the Earth’s natural environment, practising organic gardening and working with the plot’s natural abundance. In addition, as a part of our beautiful natural system, you matter! We are passionate about ensuring the wellbeing of both our individuals and our communities. When people come together, friendships are formed, imaginations open, and sustainability becomes possible. We provide a fun, inclusive social gathering space, where people can meet to relax, learn, and enjoy gardening together.

Most importantly, we must remember that there is enough for all. Permaculture seeks to create and
distribute resources fairly amongst people, animals and plants alike, not forgetting future generations who depend upon our conscious stewardship of the natural systems of the earth, which provide food, water, and shelter. By governing our own needs, living within limits, and consciously co-creating, we can create an abundance to share. The earth’s resources are limited, and these resources need to be shared by many beings.

We meet at the Holm Lodge Allotment on campus every Wednesday afternoon, from 14:00 to 16:00. If you can’t find us, feel free to message our social media and we’ll be happy to provide directions or have someone come to meet you.


Chair: Eli Jones (he/they)
Vice-Chair: Hannah Fletcher (she/her)
Wellbeing & Inclusivity Officer: Verdant Hope (they/them)


Social Media:

Terms and conditions

Click here to view terms and conditions



Where an activity group (sports team/society/representational network) has a competitive element or other external factors that affect the number of participants, your membership may be subject to criteria other than joining the group via this website. If this results in your membership not being able to be accepted, you will be informed (with any relevant details) and your membership will be refunded.

Membership will not normally be refunded if you cease being a student, if you voluntarily end your membership, or if you are subject to disciplinary action that removes your membership status.


By joining this activity group you are confirming your compliance with Student Union policies and bye-laws, particularly as it pertains to conduct, personal safety and acceptable behaviour.

Initiations: At no point should you feel pressured to drink and get involved in what others are doing, for example to join in with drinking games or ‘challenges’, if you don’t want to. If you are part of an activity group it is completely your choice whether or not you attend a social event. Activity groups are prohibited from carrying out initiation ceremonies, or any initiation-type behaviour, either on or off campus. If you ever feel pressured to take part in social activities as part of an activity group, we would strongly encourage you to report it to us here: It is our upmost priority that you feel safe engaging in Union activity, and there is support available for you if you have experienced or witnessed anything that made you feel uncomfortable or concerned you.
