"Students have access to the appropriate facilities and resource required to participate".


The Officer Championing this priority is the Vice President, Activities & Services.



Our key targets for achieving this priority are:


1. Our students will have free, discounted or preferential use of University sports facilities including the new Leisure Centre. 
Green. Campus facilities remain free for matches and some training. Agreement made between with the University, Union, Winchester City Council and service provider to provide free access to the leisure centre for Team Winchester.
2. Improved training & resources are available to student groups to assist with budgeting, grant submission, fund raising and member support. 
Green. A large range of resources added to activity group area of website. Access to information improved. Website/membership training provided to 40% of activity Groups. An access fund for reducing barriers to participation developed and deployed.
3. Seek to resource a Student Engagement Manager beyond the established project fund.
Green. Current funding extended via Union reserves. Post now embedded into staffing structure.
Green = Target achieved
Amber = Some progress made but target not yet achieved
Red = No progress yet made or target requires review
