Cost of living spotlight – Keeping warm in Winter

Tuesday 03-01-2023 - 13:03
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Here at Winchester Student Union, we understand the stress of the current cost of living crisis. We’ve put together fortnightly spotlights with tips and tricks to help save your pennies.

This winter is set to be a cold one and with the Cost of Living crisis, potentially, an expensive one. Not many people enjoy being cold in their own home, so we’ve put together some tips to help keep you warm until the sun returns.

Don’t forget there are warm spaces open 24/7 on the King Alfred Quarter, and West Downs Quarter for you to relax or study in.


So what are the best ways to keep warm this winter?


  • Although there is a cost of living crisis and many of us are holding out to put the heating on, your health and wellbeing is a priority.
  • Your home should be heated to at least 18°C for you to be comfortable.
  • Electric blankets are a great way of keeping warm if you have a large room, and they don’t use as much energy as you might think.


  • Wrap up in warm clothes. The trick is to wear lots of thin layers rather than one or two thick ones.
  • When you go outside, don’t forget a hat, scarf and gloves.
  • Invest in good socks and boots to keep those toes warm when you’re out and about.

The Property

  • Keep an eye out for draughts from doors or windows. If you notice any you can use a draught excluder to keep the cold air out.
  • Open your curtains in the morning, allow the sun to warm the room during the day, close them at 15:00 to keep the heat in and cold air out.
  • Think about where your furniture is. If you’ve got a sofa in front of a radiator, move it out the way or pull it forward so the heat can circulate the room.

If you have any concerns about keeping warm this winter, reach out to our Advisor via our Advice Enquiry form.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on our Cost of Living Hub to see what we’re getting up to, to support you. 

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