Black History Month 2023

Thursday 12-10-2023 - 13:39
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Black History Month 2023

What is Black History Month?

In the United Kingdon, Black History Month has been celebrated since 1987, and continues to be a time for reflection, celebration, and recognition of Black voices, individuals, communities and experiences. It’s a chance to recognize and celebrate the invaluable contributions of black people to British society.

This year, Black History Month 2023’s theme is ‘Saluting Our Sisters’. Despite the countless contributions black people make to society, the achievements of black women, in particular, are often forgotten or overlooked. This year’s theme highlights the crucial role that black woman have played in shaping history, inspiring change, and building communities.

What can I do?

  • Educate yourself. Widen your understanding of the experiences, history, and key events within the black community. For example, study the Windrush generation, key figures and events in UK lack Black History, or maybe speak to a black friend or classmate. Pay attention to the unique experiences and contexts within the black community.
  • Reflect. Consider what you can do to help create a future in which people of different identities and backgrounds feel represented and heard throughout the year. Reflecting and ensuring genuine understanding is key to building a better world.
  • Engage. Engage within the black community and with Black History Month. Whether that be hosting an activity to learn more about black history, such as a book club, or showing your support for a relevant cause or charity. You don’t have to do something huge, even patronizing a blackowned business shows your support.

What’s on?

Nationally: Take part in the National Black History Month Poetry Competition 2023. Open to all primary, secondary, college and university students across the UK. You can submit a poem about a pioneering black woman who has made an impact in their chosen field, explaining why she is an inspiration to you. Remember, the poems don’t have to be about famous people; they can be about members of your family, women who have inspired you in your community, or even about you and your experiences as a woman or young person. Find out more here.

Online: there are many online events for you to engage with, often hosted by Black History Month themselves. Here are a few we recommend:

  • The British Library: ‘Black To The Future presents: Genre Marauders.
    • An Afro-Futurist celebration of outstanding Black artists, a space for visionary imaginings to thrive. It begins as Black History Month ends, with the theme of ‘Black Phantasmagoria’, accompanying Fantasy: Realms of Imagination.
  • BHM: Saluting our Sisters – Celebrating and recognizing Black women.
    • The session will feature three female Black speakers who will share their individual thoughts and journeys about; Windrush, Migration and Generational trauma.
  • BHM: Virtual Black American Women Tour of London.
    • A virtual tour of London and beyond that highlights the inspirational activism of Black freedom fighters who crossed the Atlantic in the c19th to fight in the social justice struggle.

Winchester: Why not engage with our ‘Black Community’ resources on One Winchester? We have a range of resources for you to read, watch, listen, give, follow and be inspired by.

Or get involved with the Student Union’s Afro-Caribbean Network here.

Throughout October we have a range of activities on offer, such as...

Movie Nights: On the 13th and 20th October, showcasing fantastic movies such as ‘Sorry to Bother you (13th) and Cinderella (20th). Free popcorn provided! Come along to SAB201 at 6pm on both evenings.

Quiz Night: Hosted on the 17th October by our very own Afro-Caribbean Society. Come along to the Vault to join in!

Pledges: This October, Winchester Student Union wants to hear from you! We want to hear about what you plan to do this Black History Month to engage and participate in commemorating the Black Community this October.

To do this, we’re asking students to create pledges, something you pledge to do this October. It could be to speak to your peers, recognize your own privilege, or participate in some of our      BHM events.

To pledge, you can pop along to our offices to write down your pledge in person, and pop it into our pledge box. Alternatively, put your pledge online via our dedicated padlet if you can’t make it onto campus! We look forward to seeing your pledges.

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