During your time at University, you may have concerns about the wellbeing of another student, this could be someone from a society or team that you’re part of, a course friend or housemate. You might have noticed that your friend has stopped attending social events or they may have started messaging you about difficult things that are going on in their life. Your friend may tell you how they are feeling but ask you not to tell anyone else, you should avoid promising to keep things between you as we would always encourage you to share any information that you are worried about.


Often, when people reach out to others they want to be listened to rather than be told how they need to change. Try not to worry about having the perfect response, offering friendship without judgement can help someone to feel appreciated and valued. You could ask them if they’d like to go for coffee or take a walk. Don’t be hard on yourself if they say ‘no’, you can let them know that the offer stands if they change their mind. You can also encourage your friend to seek support from our Student Union Advisor or Student Services.


If you’re supporting a friend who is struggling it can be easy to overlook your own mental wellbeing, you may be worried about something bad happening to your friend or think you are the only person they to talk to. You shouldn’t feel guilty or selfish about establishing boundaries as this can help make sure there are clear expectations from both of you. Understandably, putting positive boundaries in place can be hard, but will hopefully encourage your friend to build a wider support network so that you don't become burdened. Remember that in a friend role you are there to support rather than fix. We would encourage you to speak out if you’re falling behind on your studies, or find that you no longer have the time to do things you enjoy.


Please contact the Student Union Advisor or arrange to meet with a Student Life Adviser or Mental Health Adviser for more information on supporting a friend.


Samaritans. The Samaritans are a confidential listening service. You can call them 24 7 on 116 123.Or, pop in to our local branch open from noon until 10pm (13 Upper High Sreet). Click here to visit their website. Student Services. They’re based in Winton Building, open Monday to Friday between 9am - 5 pm. There are 6 different teams trained to help and advise students in different ways. Click here for more information. University security. They can be contacted on 01962 827 666 for urgent, on campus, out of hours, support. For urgent health related issues, call 111. In a life threatening emergency call 999.

Click here to speak to our Student Union Advisor.