Personal Safety

Winchester has a low crime rate and is one of the safest places to live in the country. In spite of this, there are steps you can take to increase your personal safety. Following the advice below will reduce the risk of you getting into difficulties or becoming a victim of crime.

Staying safe on a night out. Be careful not to leave your drink unattended. If you start to feel unwell, speak to security or venue staff. If someone is being aggressive towards you, give them space and alert security or venue staff. Try and keep your distance if staff have already intervened. Staying safe on a night out. It may sound obvious, but there is safety in numbers. Stick with your friends and don’t wander off by yourself, or with someone you don’t know.If you’re using cash, try to only take out what you’ll need for the night. Lots of visible cash could make you a target. Staying safe on a night out. Before heading out, make sure you’ve charged your phone. Remember to put your keys, wallet, ID and other valuables somewhere safe. Don’t leave your wallet or phone in your back pocket. If you’re taking a bag, don’t leave it unattended.

Staying safe while going home. If you’re walking home at night stick to well-lit areas, even if this means going the long way! Avoid deserted or quiet areas, and walk confidently facing the traffic. This will reduce the risk of cars pulling up alongside you. Staying safe while going home. Be vigilant to your surroundings. Bear in mind that listening to music or using your phone could be a distraction and prevent you from hearing or noticing potential danger signs.If you’re planning on using public transport, make sure to check the last bus or train. 

Staying safe while exercising. If you’re going out running, or going to the gym by yourself, let someone know where you’re going and how long you think you’ll be. Why not consider joining a club or having a workout buddy? Staying safe while exercising. If you’re running, make sure you’re visible to drivers. Wear bright clothing, or high-vis clothing, and try and run facing oncoming traffic.You can pick up a personal alarm from the Advice Centre during office hours - Level 3 KAC. Trust your instincts! if something doesn’t feel right, take action!

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